Entry #1655: in region

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Last Version

Start DateDec 23, 2014
End Date(none)
DescriptionMen who have sex with men will be able to donate blood given 1 year deferral.

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Revision History (1)

edited by imullin01

Old Value New Value (Current)
Reports (3)
  • Status is not correct "The policy was never changed from a lifetime ban -- it was merely talked about as a possibility."
  • Status is not correct "On December 23rd, 2014 the American Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) agreed to relax the lifetime ban , replacing it with a 1-year deferral. However, the process of changing the policy has still not be finalized yet. It is expected that it would done probably sometime in 2015. Until then , the indefinite deferral fir those who have engaged in male-to-male sexual contact , even once , since 1977 remains in place. ADMIN NOTE: Deleted —danlev"
  • Status is not correct "As stated in the article, this policy has not changed yet. The policy change will not take effect until later this year (2015) ADMIN NOTE: Deleted —danlev"